Holiday anti stress
• Why? Anti Stress EtnoBioMove programme with the Naturopath and Personal Trainer Mara Chiapponi to find your wellness strategies and to improve your sports results
• Benefits? Improve the emotional part to put out the Stress in contact with the Nature and find your shape in the body and mind
• Objectives? Healthness in contact with the Nature all year to find you solutions
• Who is? Mara Chiapponi expert in body language, pilates, yoga and training programmes.
Find a method to personalized your programme for body, mind and emotional part.
EtnoBioMove Applications
1 EBM Food strategies to improve your meals in a natural way
2 EBM Yoga to improve the respiration with a strong stretching
3 EBM Air to relax and change the position of the body, 30’
4 EBM in the sea water , to improve cardiovascular-articulatory and muscular system
5 EBM for children and family, programme personalized for your family
6 EBM music personalized vibration to do you programme every day with you voice
7 EBM training course to became EBM trainer